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Let's Get to Know The Junk

Brand Founder: Tarık Rasim Nomer
1– Could you tell us the founding story of The Junk Design? Why did you focus on upcycling and sustainability?

The founding story of The Junk Design is quite inspiring and original. Our brand was born with a vision that reflects our sensitivity to the environment and our commitment to sustainability. Our designers set out to find a solution to the growing waste problem around the world. Realizing the potential for upcycling waste materials and industrial residues, the idea of utilizing them and transforming them into environmentally friendly products was born. Thus, the foundations of The Junk Design were laid.

2- How did the idea of choosing waste products such as upcycled truck tarpaulins, fire hoses, seat belts and bicycle inner tubes as The Junk Design’s main material source come about?

When choosing our main material source, which consists of waste materials, we focused on diversity, durability and the ability to offer different color and pattern options. Waste products such as truck tarpaulins, fire hoses, seat belts and bicycle inner tubes met these criteria and also had significant potential to reduce waste. We started our work to create extraordinary and environmentally friendly products by using these materials in the design and production processes.

3- How does the upcycling process of these waste products take place? How are materials used in the design phase and production process?

The upcycling process of waste materials is carried out in a very meticulous and disciplined manner. First of all, these materials are carefully cleaned and properly prepared in our workshops. Then, our design teams, evaluate these materials with their creative minds and technical skills, and transform them into original and aesthetic products. In this process; we adhere to the principles of reuse, transformation and upcycling. By combining different materials in our products, we ensure that waste gets a second life.

4- How do you apply sustainability principles in The Junk Design’s design and production processes? How do you minimize social and environmental impact?

By keeping sustainability principles at the core of our business, we prioritize our environmental and social responsibility. When producing our products, we design to minimize the environmental impact and minimize the amount of waste. At the same time, we attach great importance to energy efficiency and water saving in the production process. In accordance with ethical rules, we comply with the principles of fair labor and sustainable supply chain. We also use environmentally friendly and recyclable materials in packaging.

5- How do you evaluate your customers interest in sustainable products? What can you say about the demand for such products?

Our customers interest in sustainable products is increasing day by day. Conscious consumers want to reflect their environmental awareness in their product choices. The Junk Design’s upcycled and sustainable products offer environmentally friendly options to our customers, while also attracting attention with their original and aesthetic designs. With these products, our customers can reflect their personal style and feel proud of contributing to the environment.

6- Regarding The Junk Design’s sustainability strategy, what are your future goals? Do you have any plans to expand the range of materials or products?

Our future goal is to include more types of waste materials in our projects and expand our product range. In particular, we aim to offer products richer in diversity and creativity by using different types of waste materials from different industries. At the same time, we plan to develop larger-scale projects and collaborations to raise awareness about sustainability. First of all, we want more people to contribute to increasing environmental awareness and expanding the use of sustainable products.

7- What are your thoughts on the role of sustainable products in the fashion and design industry? What can be done to encourage more brands to take similar steps in this field?

The role of sustainable products in the fashion and design industry has an important place in shaping the future. The world of fashion and design has greatly contributed to the depletion of natural resources and the increase in the amount of waste. However, the adoption of sustainable products could trigger a transformation in this sector. Brands like The Junk Design can become part of a movement that embraces and advocates environmentally friendly and ethical production models, setting an example for others.

8- What benefits can your customers have from choosing The Junk Design’s sustainable products?

There are many benefits for our customers to choose our sustainable products. First of all, reducing the negative impact on the environment and contributing to the decrease in the amount of waste is of great importance in terms of protecting natural resources. At the same time, The Junk Design products have unique and original designs.

Our customers can reflect their personal style and enjoy having extraordinary products. The durability and longevity of our products offer our users a long-lasting and quality experience.

9- As The Junk Design, are you considering projects or collaborations to raise awareness in society about recycling waste materials and promoting sustainability?

We constantly increase our efforts to raise awareness in society about sustainability. We reach larger audiences through activities such as organizing education and awareness campaigns, sharing content that encourages environmentally friendly living on social media platforms, and organizing informative events on waste management. Additionally, we aim to contribute to the spread of sustainability by collaborating with environmentally focused non-governmental organizations and local communities.

10- Finally, what is your message to readers and customers? Why do you care about them being more conscious and responsible consumers about sustainability?

Finally, we recommend all our readers and customers to become more conscious and responsible consumers about sustainability. Even small steps can contribute to big changes. Don’t forget the importance of your contribution to sustainability and waste management by choosing The Junk Design products. We must all act together to protect our planet and leave a more livable world to future generations.