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Bim’s Starch-Based Bag

Bim’s Starch-Based Bag: Towards a Sustainable Future with Biodegradable Shopping Bags Made from Corn Starch

One of Turkey’s largest retail chains, BİM, took a great step in terms of environmentally friendly practices and was inspired by the “Plastic-Free July” movement. The biodegradable bags made of corn starch, which it gifted to its customers in 11,000+ stores across Turkey on Monday, July 29, drew attention as a symbol of environmental awareness.
Biodegradable Bags and Sustainability

BİM’s biodegradable bags, unlike traditional petroleum-based plastic bags, can be biodegraded by bacteria, microorganisms, moisture, heat and light in the soil. When they complete their lifespan, these bags decompose by converting all their organic components into carbon dioxide and water. Thus, 100% biodegradable bags turn into soil within an average of one year without leaving any residue.

BİM’s Starch-Based Bag: Kaplan Paper Plastic’s Innovative Solution

BİM’s environmentally friendly approach is specially produced by Kaplan Paper Plastic. These bags are obtained from renewable resources such as corn, sugar and potato starch and can turn into arable soil in just 9 months by going through a degradation process in industrial facilities or in nature. When compared to plastic bags produced from petroleum derivatives, biodegradable bags stand out as a much more appropriate product compared to plastic in terms of human and environmental health. After completing its lifespan, it mixes with nature, preventing environmental pollution and does not leave behind harmful or toxic substances.

BİM’s Sustainability Approach

BİM’s CEO Haluk Dortluoğlu stated that contributing to a livable environment and a sustainable future has been among BİM’s missions since its establishment. Dortluoğlu stated that as BİM, they have implemented and will continue to implement pioneering practices in the fields of reducing plastic use, waste management, and contribution to recycling and circular economy, and said, “In this context, we are taking an important awareness step towards reducing single-use plastic consumption and we are gifting starch-based bags that are completely bio-components and dissolve in soil to our customers in our stores. We believe that the impact we will create when we take action together will contribute to the future of the world and the solution to plastic pollution.”

Packaging and Waste Management

BİM, which has achieved a significant reduction in the use of plastic and cardboard raw materials in product packaging thanks to various efficiency projects in the last 5 years, aims to reduce the use of 820 tons of paper and 750 tons of plastic raw materials by 2025. Last year, it announced that it prevented the consumption of 450 tons of plastic and 759 tons of paper with the work it carried out to increase resource efficiency in packaging and to popularize sustainable raw material alternatives.

Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

BİM is committed to reducing greenhouse gas intensity by 20 percent by 2026 in the field of sustainability. In addition, it continues to be a pioneer in its sector with the Solar Power Plant projects it has implemented to provide 25 percent of its energy needs from natural resources by 2025.

A Sustainable World for Future Generations

BİM acts with the vision of a livable environment and a sustainable future. The gifting of biodegradable bags made of corn starch is an important step towards combating plastic pollution and increasing environmental awareness, and it is admirable that they also exhibit the try-it-and-give-us-feedback approach to their customers. The biodegradable bags developed by Kaplan Kağıt Plastik offer a beautiful example of sensitivity to nature and innovative approaches. Such sustainability projects are implemented with the aim of protecting the limited natural resources of our planet and leaving a more livable world for future generations. This pioneering approach of BİM sets an example not only in Turkey but also around the world.

It is of great importance for the future of the world that we all take action together to achieve sustainability goals and that companies take inspiration from each other and implement them.


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