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R&D Projects
Upcycling Projects
Workshop and Edu.
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Upcycled Waste

Who are we?

Reppatch is an eco-enterprise founded in 2022. We contribute to the circular economy by advocating slow production to spread the upcycling vision with the designer network we have created. All brands in our company produce while protecting ecological values. We support our designer network in marketing and collaborating with the unique and special works of art they produce. We create new waste management structures together with our R&D studies.

Our Vision

In parallel with the developing technology, the production industry continues to progress rapidly. Fast production brings with it fast consumption. In all these fast production processes; we add value to existing things through upcycling with our understanding of art, craft and design. While supporting slow production and upcycling, our first goal is to spread this awareness and share our techniques.

By internalizing the social, economic and ecological dimensions of sustainability; It is important for us to apply and maintain these principles in the processes from raw material to final product. We reduce our carbon footprint by producing through artisanal methods, unlike industrial production processes.

As Reppatch, our aim is; To highlight our partners with designs produced with slow production and upcycling techniques, where craft is at the forefront, against industrial production methods, fast production and fast consumption. To contribute to the fight against environmental problems through upcycling by joining the transformation network with these values.

We, as Reppatch, are women entrepreneurs who believe in collective consciousness. Collective consciousness; It is a term that expresses the common feelings and acceptances of a society. Our common feeling and acceptance is to contribute to the legacy left to future generations by showing that we respect our world.

Our Mission

When upcycling is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind may be giving a new chance to unwanted and obsolete products at home; which is an accurate definition. We also have partners who implement this. We are against industrial production, but we are supporters of industrial transformation. In this context, soda caps, bottles and corks of a restaurant; old samples or cardboard waste from a textile company… All of these are clean waste and are waiting for their upcycling. Reppatch partners transform all these obsolete products into functional designs and make them suitable for reuse.

With our project: “Upcycle and win!” we reduce the carbon footprint, fight against environmental problems and support the sustainable economy.

We invite our audience to this awareness with unique upcycled designs.

Reppatch; works towards 3 of the United Nations sustainable development goals called “The 17 Goals“.


To create awareness as a source of inspiration for individuals to change their lives and their environment towards sustainability in line with the 11th goal with our partner network.

To support and pioneer the brands that making upcycle in line with the 12th goal, by advocating upcycling, which is the first step of the sustainable production and consumption model.

Strengthen the implementation tools and fields of activity by creating a global partnership with the Reppatch Partner Network in line with the 17th goal.