What is Plastiglomerate?

Assuming that up to 2% of the global plastic produced from 1950 to 2013 enters and accumulates in the ocean, it is thought that there are 86 million tons of plastic marine litter stocks in the world’s oceans as of the end of 2013, and some of them cling to the rocks and begin to […]
What is Green Hydrogen?

Green hydrogen is hydrogen produced by renewable energy or low-carbon energy. Green hydrogen has significantly lower carbon emissions than gray hydrogen produced by steam reforming of natural gas, which makes up the bulk of the hydrogen market. Green hydrogen produced by the electrolysis of water is less than 0.1% of the total hydrogen production. What […]
What Do the Recycling Symbols on Plastics Mean?

What Do the Recycling Symbols on Plastics Mean? These symbols we see on any plastic; It is for the purpose of guiding us on the suitability for reuse or how we should separate the plastic product before throwing it away. Recycling Symbols 01 – Meaning of PET Symbol It is known as the type of […]
Upcycle 101

What is Upcycling? Upcycling; It covers the process of transforming products that are no longer unwanted or considered waste into new products of higher value or quality. The focus of upcycling is on sustainability and reducing waste. It focuses on creatively reusing materials or products to give waste a new purpose or function. Contrary to […]