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Africa, Nigeria

Agoreyo Oke Armstrong

Agoreyo Oke Armstrong, an artist of Nigerian origin, began his artistic journey with a deep commitment to the environment and a passion for making a positive impact. Having studied a BA in Fine and Applied Arts at the University of Benin, Armstrong moved to the UK in 2023 and started a Master’s degree in Art at the University of Derby.

Displaying his unique style and passion for environmental art by actively participating in five art exhibitions and competitions in the last six years, Armstrong also founded a company called “Think Artist”, which organizes virtual art competitions and exhibitions specially designed for children.

The high cost of paint in Nigeria led Armstrong to experiment with different materials, which led to his decision to use political posters. He created these works of art by cutting the posters.  Not only are his works made with care and patience, but they are also upcycled.

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Collage Artist ARMSTRONG

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